Orders can take between 1-3 business days (excludes weekends and holidays) to process. Once an order is shipped, it can take an additional 1-9 business days (excludes weekends and holidays) for delivery. The amount of additional time for delivery will depend on the method of shipping selected. Once order ships, an email with tracking information will be sent to you automatically. If you check out as a guest, tracking information will not be available.

No, once an order is placed, we are unable to cancel your order or make any changes. Please make sure all information is correct before placing your order. 

We offer discounts during promotions only. The best way to stay informed about sales and promotions is to follow us on Facebook & Instagram and to sign up for our online newsletter. 

Please contact our Sales Department for more information 657-258-0210

Please contact Customer Service to request assistance. Any item(s) that are missing will need to be reported within ten days of delivery.  

In the event you did not receive your order or if the tracking information states ‘delivered’ and you have not received the order, please contact Customer Service to request assistance. We may request the completion of an affidavit statement in order to file a missing order claim on your behalf. 

Yes, you can choose pick up at check out, all pick up orders will be from our Anaheim location.

Orders can take between 1-3 business days (excludes weekends and holidays) to process and ship. Orders may include multiple packages and can arrive at different times within the delivery window. We are unable to relay delivery instructions to the carrier.

No, purchases from our online site must go through our sales department to return. 

Shipping is based on total sales and weight of each order; we will offer promotions with free shipping offers at random times. *Please Note: Alaska & Hawaii are excluded from free shipping.
We use USPS, FedEx, and UPS
No, we do no offer international shipping if you are outside the contiguous United States.
We will only ship to freight forwarding companies under the following conditions: Any damaged item/s that ship from a freight forwarder will be the responsibility of the consumer. Please ensure that your order has been inspected prior to shipment. Please note, any order $400.00 or higher will require a wire transfer.
We do not offer shipping to P.O. boxes or APO addresses at this time.

Orders can take between 1-3 business days (excludes weekends and holidays) to process. Once an order is shipped, it can take an additional 1-9 business days (excludes weekends and holidays) for delivery. The amount of additional time for delivery will depend on the method of shipping selected. Once order ships, an email with tracking information will be sent to you automatically. If you check out as a guest, tracking information will not be available.